Thursday, August 14, 2014

How Often is too Often?

Getting the balance right on posts to social media assets is something every business wants.  You want to post often enough to be relevant and useful, but not so often that your followers unfollow you or mute your content.  But how do you know what the balance should be?

When you are first starting out, it will be quite difficult to gauge from your own social media assets what your approach should be.  There simply won't be enough data for you to make a good decision about your approach from your own followers.  However, you can do something:

Competitor Analysis

Have a look at other similar but more established business pages.  When are they posting?  How often are they posting?  What is the level of engagement from their followers?  From this you can determine when it might suit your audience to see your posts and how often people want to hear from you.

Ask your followers

Even if your fan base is small, you can ask a question and then see what the response is.  Ask something fun like "Are you seeing this post on a phone, tablet or laptop?"  or "How addicted to social media are you?  How often do you check per day?"  Post questions like this at various times in the day to see what the reach is like and how many people respond.  Answers to these questions will give you some insight into your potential customers while gauging overall interactions.

Be aware that while some businesses might flood newsfeeds with sales posts and calls to action, followers have the ability to mute or unfollow businesses that become a nuisance or upset the balance of business and fun on social media. 

Calendar and Schedule

Once you have determined a schedule of content that should work for your business, get gathering and scheduling those posts either on a calendar or directly into the asset if it allows that functionality.  On Facebook, for example, you can schedule for weeks in advance.  It means you then only need to add ad-hoc posts when you want to comment on current affairs that you couldn't account for.


Every quarter, I recommend a revisit to your approach.  Make sure that what you are doing is actually yielding you the results you were after.  If it's not working, then look at your page statistics again and determine if there has been a shift in when people are online or engaging.  As your fan base grows, you will find this shift happens quite naturally, especially if your initial fan base was not made up entirely of your ideal customer.   Refocusing your efforts regularly means that you don't end up being left behind.

If you live in New Zealand and have need of Social Media Content Management for your business, visit to see our offerings or contact us directly at for pricing and more information. Follow us over at

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2014 Instagram Challenge

Hello August!  I'm actually starting to feel a little panicky about how quickly this year is sliding by.  Today it was warm enough that it felt like Spring - I even lay outside for some time taking in the sunshine.  Unheard of, mid-winter.

As always, a new month brings a new Instagram challenge.  Thanks to all those that participated last month.  We had some really neat shares. My favourite was under #plants - which looked a lot like how gardening turns out for me most of the time (fail).

Here is the August challenge:

Big excuse for a bit of design work, but bigger excuse to go and buy or bake cupcakes.  August is all #win. 

It's another 7 day photo challenge, and a fun networking opportunity for you and your business.  Join in, do one during the month or all seven - whatever suits you best.  Think of it as a fun way to increase the content that you are sharing on your Instagram channel.  Taking part will give your customers a behind the scenes look at your business' fun side.  

I'll be checking in on all our participants and I will be sharing any note-worthy entries month-to-month as well.  So look out for those updates too.

If you live in New Zealand and have need of Social Media Content Management for your business, visit to see our offerings or contact us directly at for pricing and more information. Follow us over at